Rat Speciesism

Rats are a species that is portrayed as disgusting and a pest to society and some cultures, but a major beneficiary to science and the ecosystems. A rodent, medium size in stature and all too keen for their tiny place in the food chain. Seen in movies as the pest stealing food from a kitchen, at pet stores, or in the common American family home as pets, rats as a species originate from Asia and Australia and are classified in the genus Rattus. But, the term Rattus is a very vague category as there as so many variations to the species and many sub-categories to acknowledge when learning about this species.

Species Rattus Rattus

Despite their location of origin, with there being over 60 species of rats, they are located all around the world. According to Alina Bradford from the Live Science Magazine, mentions that rats are in fact pack animals, which is humorous to think about. When you think of a pack animal, it is easy to think about wolves or lions, but never these tiny rodents that live in sewer pipes and in corn fields.

Following the discussion on where rats typically reside, habitats vary greatly for this species of animal. There are swamp rats, rice -field rats, forest rats, glacier rats, mountain rats, and the list goes on. Just with these few breeds of rats listed, it goes to show the exuberance of diversity and adaptations that can be found within the classification of these mammals.

A rat living in a glacier

A rat living in a field

   The classification within society for these animals is a highly debated topic. They satisfy the characteristics of wildlife, exotics, and domestic species. As pets, rodents and mostly any animal other than a house dog or cat is considered exotic, but at the same time having a handleable rat as a pet considers them also to be domesticated. As easily as they are domesticated, they are also seen as wildlife since primarily they are not domesticated and can be found in many territories and habitats in nature.

As mentioned above, with over 60 species of rats, as you could imagine, there are breeds that fall into the category of threatened, vulnerable, and endangered, which doesn't come as much of a shock. There are three threatened, six vulnerable, and seven endangered breeds of rats.

For such a tiny species of mammal, this four-legged, naked tail, and furry rodent has the power and potential to cause great damage, but also great scientific breakthroughs. As many know, the bubonic plague was primarily spread through rats and was the cause of a major pandemic (Ecology). But, at the same time rats can be used in laboratories for research and that 95% of lab animals are rats and mice. Without these animals, who knows the difference in scientific breakthroughs we could have made in just the last 100 years alone. In a sense, rats pay off for their downfalls that they bring upon humans as a species for what they give us back in opportunities with learning about disease and treatments for people. Truly, a species that is a jack of all trades.


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